Friday, February 22, 2013

Let's play catch up!

Hiiii!!! I have so much catching up to do so let's start with Saturday the 16th,
So on Saturday I went to a celebrate and connect meeting for thirty-one consultants and I became thirty-ones newest consultant!!! The meeting was so much fun and I met a lot of lovely ladies. Other than that there wasn't much going on during the week, I have made a few sales since I became a consultant so that is so exciting but the not so exciting part is my blood pressure has been up again so I'm on meds for that and I have to rest as much as possible to keep it down, so you'd think I wouldn't slack on my blog so much right?? Haha
Yesterday I went to the dr for my follow up ultrasound and after waiting for and hr and a half before my ultrasound even started, we finally got started and his tummy filled up like it was supposed to! And they gave me the odds of Down syndrome as 1/135 it was 1/270 but they had to chop that in half due to the white spot on his heart (which can be very Normal they see it a lot) the woman also let us get a glance in 3D!!!! He's so adorable!! Ill add some adorable pictures :)

Friday, February 15, 2013

Very slacky lol

Hello I am now 20 weeks 4 days and I haven't updated this blog in a very long time!!!
Well, things are going well with me I am halfway there now and things are flying!!! I had a gender ultrasound at 16 weeks to tell me we are having a....... ..... Dun dun dun........ BOY yes yes another boy! His name will be Liam Jackson Honeycutt and he was absolutely adorable! I had his gender confirmed at my 18 week ultrasound, where they also found a couple problems. He has a spot on his heart which is a marker for Down syndrome but he had no other markers for it. i had the blood test done anyways because IF it comes back positive then I will get a closer look ultrasound and see him again :) also while she was looking he wouldn't fill his belly up with fluids which she said could mean he isn't drinking like he should so he might have a blockage in his throat. So we do have another ultrasound for that coming up and I'll update when I know something :) well I have no more morning sicknessness or anything, really my only symptom is insomnia (which is why I am actually updating) I didn't go to sleep last night until 1:30 ish and woke up at 7:45 WHAT IN THE???????? So here I am sitting here updating at now 8:25am when I could be sleeping? That makes a mess of sense anyways yesterday was valentines and I had a great day!!!!!!caleb worked then I worked but other than that it was so great! Once I got off no got the new iPad and he got me roses and chocolates yes the chocolates ended up on the floor thanks to my awesome 2 year old but hey I already The good ones anyways ;) I feel bad that I couldn't get Caleb more than I did but I don't make as much as he does so I didn't have any money :( now I am going to be selling thirty one gifts though starting tomorrow actually which was my motivation for the iPad hehehe I'm very excited about that actually!!! I feel like I could go far with it :) well I have updated as much as I possibly can think to update about ill stick around more now that I have a super cool iPad to use to update instead of having to use my tiny phone since my computer typing is NOT good lol!!