Saturday, May 11, 2013

Saturday, 5/11/13

hello :)

today is saturday the 11th and tomorrow is Mother's Day, I will be in the hospital but at least my husband will be bringing chunky man up here today and tomorrow to see me :) Today has been pretty uneventful, I woke up at 5 for blood pressures, the dr came for rounds at 6:30 and then breakfast came at 7:30 so i have been up since around 5 :)
         I am going through the best pregnancy symptom right now (haha...) Bottomless Pit Syndrome.. I am alwasy starving!!! It doesnt help i have run out of snacks haha! Luckily they bring food at 7:30, 11:30 and dinner at 5 but in between and after 5 I think I may just starve to death!
As far as my health today I have actually been doing fantastic over the last 24 hours my blood pressure has been down and almost normal *jump for joy* and my bood work has all come back normal yay! The high risk head doctor came and spoke with me and said if I keep this up we *MAY* be able to try and figure something out so I can go home! She said I'll have to be on meds, regular dr visits and hospital grade bed rest(like last time) but we might be able to figure out a combo that works for me. It also kind of makes me nervous, because last time I was sent home and then came back worse off than I was before. But this time she assures me that IF they send me home than theyre confident that everything will be ok. She also said I *COULD* potentially make it as far as 39 weeks if my symptoms stay this way!!!!!! Which is AMAZING because this whole time all anyone has said is "lets make it to 34 weeks, lets just get there" so hearing the words "thirty nine weeks" is just amazing to me... Also, if my symptoms continue they way they are I could still be a candidate for water birth! which is my dream birth! its what I had planned this time around only to have that dream ripped from me.
               So I am trying to stay optomistic but I'm also worried at the same time only because it was really hard getting to go home then having it taken from me and coming right back here... I would love to go home though so I can spend some quality time with Noah before Liam gets here, some time while its just us, while hes an only child. I don't want to have him have so many changes all at once and think YAY mommy is home... but wait... whos this baby and why wont he let me have some time with my mommy... Everything would be so much easier if I could just have a healthy pregancy and go to 40 weeks and then go into labor myself and have Liam on his terms, when hes ready....
               ANOTHER reason I want to go home is because NONE of Liams clothes are washed, i have diapers that need prepping and I can't trust Caleb to do it all the right way over the phone *giggle* I MAY not be able to go home and do it myself but at least I can go and observe exactly how hes doing it to insure its being done my way ;) Caleb is a great great man but I'm a thousand percent sure if he messed up the diapers, or missed a step he would NOT tell me because he knows those are my "babies" and then I would just end up with diapers that are repelling, then I'll be forced to strip them and oh man I can just emagine the horrors now *over reaction alert* lol
             Anyways,  I think thats pretty much all I can ramble about today, so I guess I'm going to go be lazy and lay around like always!!!!!!

Friday, May 10, 2013

32 weeks and in the hospital (5/8/13)

So very clearly it's been a very long time since I have wrote or updated this blog, I'm honestly not even sure where I left off.
Well i am now 32 weeks and 2 days and I'm in the hospital again. I am having a lot of trouble with my blood pressure and I have all of the severe symptoms of preeclampsia just not protein in my urine yet. I was here for 12 days and got released Monday but surprise surprise here I am again. Our plan is to try to safely keep Liam in until 34 weeks and my dr is optimistic with that unless I get a drastic amount of protein in my urine soon. All I can do is pray that everything is going to be okay but I'm so scared honestly. I don't want Liam to have to be born and rushed to the nicu and fight for his life first thing. I feel broken, honestly broken... My body can't do the ONE thing a woman's body is made to do, carry my child. Sitting up here in this room all alone is really depressing, Caleb can't be here because he has Noah and Noah can't stay long periods of time because well he's 2.5 and gets restless.
My hands are swelling again I can feel them tingling (great feeling) my rings are officially stuck on now and my heads a little throbby. I can do this though as long as I can get through this it'll all feel like a dream in a couple months. I just have to get through it now. But honestly
I'm really feeling down because I miss my son :( I miss him really bad :( I was only home 2 nights and last night my sister in law had to keep him over night so that she could watch him for caleb today while he worked and I knew I shouldn't have let him go :'( and I won't be home for Mother's Day, sure they can come here but people only want to be at the hospital so long... I'm just sad :( I need cheering up and I'm not sure how that's gonna happen :/

5/10/13 Friday

Still in the hospital big surprise ;) but im actually finally starting to feel a little better emotionally. Noah and my mom came and saw me today and it felt so good finally seeing my baby boy. He wasnt so into sitting around conversating with mommy though he wanted to browse the room, like only a 2.5year old would. I got the results of my 24 Hour urine back today and the protein still isnt sugnificant to diagnose me with preeclamsia so they still have no idea whats wrong with me, its just better to keep me here in case something does happen im surrounded by medical staff.
             On another note my best friend growing up had her little guy today at 34 weeks and he seems to be doing really well. hes in the NICU but they have high hopes of a easy recovery :) Mom is also doing good she labored for 48 hours before they decided on a c section and shes sore but she will make it :)
          im still going absolutely bonkers in here, ive been watching a lot of netflix and reading a lot. recently got into Mythbusters and man thats a cool show im surprised I hadnt gotten into it sooner. I learned you actually get wetter running in the rain than walking... cool little fun fact of the day ;)
          Buuuuut anyways other than a whole lot of nothing thats all that has happened today SOOOOO I will write again once i get a topic to write about ;)