Friday, February 22, 2013

Let's play catch up!

Hiiii!!! I have so much catching up to do so let's start with Saturday the 16th,
So on Saturday I went to a celebrate and connect meeting for thirty-one consultants and I became thirty-ones newest consultant!!! The meeting was so much fun and I met a lot of lovely ladies. Other than that there wasn't much going on during the week, I have made a few sales since I became a consultant so that is so exciting but the not so exciting part is my blood pressure has been up again so I'm on meds for that and I have to rest as much as possible to keep it down, so you'd think I wouldn't slack on my blog so much right?? Haha
Yesterday I went to the dr for my follow up ultrasound and after waiting for and hr and a half before my ultrasound even started, we finally got started and his tummy filled up like it was supposed to! And they gave me the odds of Down syndrome as 1/135 it was 1/270 but they had to chop that in half due to the white spot on his heart (which can be very Normal they see it a lot) the woman also let us get a glance in 3D!!!! He's so adorable!! Ill add some adorable pictures :)

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